Tuesday, 1 March 2011

My Critique on Christianity and Churches and People

This will be a Debating topic... Hope not... I only hope to raise concerns on People's mind (So that They Think)

Anyway a lot of people have been asking me "What type of church you go to?" "What type of stream, genre is my church?", "What type of Christian are you?"  

My answer was... Whoaaa Hold on.... Stop right there dude... "MY CHURCH" and "MY CHRISTIANITY" is only one. My Christianity is where I believe in JESUS CHRIST and He is My only LORD, SAVIOR, and KING. MY CHURCH is every churches in this world, my home, my room, my toilet, basically everywhere where I can speak to Him one by one... This World is my Church. The land I stand on is my CHURCH!

Yeah I know many different Christianity are there, Different churches.
lets wrap them up:
Types of Christianity:
  1. Bethel 
  2. Bethany
  3. Presbyterian
  4. Charismatic
  5. Reformed 
  6. Evangelism 
  7. Yada Yada Yada 

Types of Churches differs based on their types of Christianity... Some church are so silent, some are so upbeat with drums, electric guitars, etc...

Here is my Wrapped up version:

Types of Christian:
  1. Verbal only
  2. Over-reacting
  3. Crazily Extremist
  4. On ID only
  5. Purification of Sins --- lets say go drink, hit the club on Saturday night then go to church to be cleanse
  6. yada yada yada

Types of Churches:
  1. Networking Church
  2. Mating Church
  3. Money Making Church
  4. Showing Off Church

Why do I say this? This happens in practice...
Some basic thoughts behind my judgments:

Verbal only X = They say they are Christian only on their mouth. Go to church? nope...

Over-Reacting X= As the word say, they over react! They think they are right, they are in church but run it like Communism! You do What I tell You! Christians should not be like that!

Crazily Extremist X= Sorry to say, it is great effort, I might not be able to do it but hey too extreme mates.... Well Yeah u attract people's attention (Great) but hey too extreme!

On ID Only: Oh yeah I'm Christian alright... Don't believe me? Wanna see my ID?

Hey they are around!  I do really hope that people got this things on their mind! Hey God is dissing all of you and using me as a medium... correct your ways, shall you proclaim yourself as a Christian. Why? Coz People look up upon us to know what Christianity is all about!

Types of churches:
Networking Church: People go to church to gain networks for future possible business contracts.

Mating Church: They go there to find their love ones. How deep is their love? I can't say. Some may say 100% deep, some 20%, etc. I've seen this a lot...

Money Making Church: Church is a place to make money! I've been to one where they do things like that... 

Showing Off Church: To be seen as a Holy being, some do show off that they go to a church and some do go to a popular church just to show off.

Here is my thought...

Church is a place where we can get close to the Lord, worship Him, Praise Him, Pray to Him. It is His house but why now it has been like People's House? Dude that ain't right.

I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord, King, and Savior. I believe that religion is just a stamp on paper that I'm a Christian! I believe that Christianity is more of a relationship to Him rather than a Religion.
Why would we claim that is our religion by mouth and yet our Relationship is Far away?

Then as well people go to church yet they are so empty and lost after going out from church? some sleep inside? some as per above, some is accustomed to go to church every Sunday. and these people judge those who doesn't! For me, Instead of giving face to another human being that I'm present in church and etc but I have no relationship with God, I rather say:
"MY CHURCH is every churches in this world, my home, my room, my toilet, basically everywhere where I can speak to Him one by one... This World is my Church. The land I stand on is my CHURCH!"

It is true, I believe that churches are everyone as long as we talk, pray, worship Him. A place where we communicate to Him. But then I do Thank God that He gave me a church which is not as per my critics :P

But then I also realized that it is actually the peoples fault on it. Yet the Churches suffer to be indetified as those.

So in my opinion, Let's clear everything up and be a good Christian! People look on us as Christians and judge CHRISTIANITY! People view the Churches and Judge on the people in it which is us Christians!

Read Revelation as God also Criticized the Churches in 7 different areas! and not only the Churches, The people as well.

God Bless


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