Monday, 7 March 2011


What are Choices?

Yes or no? --- A Choice

To Be or Not to Be? --- A Choice

Love or Hate? --- A Choice

Choice by definition is an Option. It is a sacrifice made for doing something else.

I went to Garam Ministry's event with Rev. Peter Kumar as the speaker. 

He asked this is Monday night, why do you come here?

You can go 4 buildings away from here and do something else but you are here? why?

Then my thinking was, hey I can sleep and rest after work but then I went there. why?

There is a choice for me not to go.

There is thousands of reasons I can give "Not" to go there. yet I went and it was a blessing.

It is not a coincidence that I can be there.

It may be His plan for me to go there. It is a miracle I can go there as well. why?

first, I work at 2 different places. I gave my roster to place A from place B (my thought was, my B-place boss probably give me night shift) but B-place boss simply said, you work here. then I gave my shift at place A to my friend.

Then from thinking that I can't go, I can now.

Went back after work, resting on a bed, felt nice, thinking to come late. but out of the blue, 5:45pm I went and catch a Tram. Reach the venue and sitting there alone while the organizers were rehearsing.

So yeah I'm usually a late comer but tonight I was an early bird :P.

Then to answer the Rev's Question to why I came there?

Easy. I want to seek God! and it is a calling from Him and it is His plan. As simple as that.

Not because of the chicks or anything, I don't even know who Rev. Peter Kumar is but he is a good preacher and he can actually tell you about the future... Awesome!!!

What a blessing day! even when I go home, I only need to run a bit to catch my tram after strolling the nights with my friend from the chinese restaurant :P

Anyway, back to the point was, We have a choice in life. every time we walk on a path, there is a choice to be made. there are sacrifices and there are opportunity costs on every single choices you made.

as simple as It is your choice to like my blog or not. feel free to read and I hope it blesses you. Feel free not to read as well.

This is what my God wanted to tell you as well. Feel free to know Him; although He hopes that you will follow Him but Feel free to make your own Choices!

A Testimony from the Rev was; He gave a prophet to 300 people, out of those numbers, 298 was correct and 2 was wrong. So why does it happened? Simple, they made the choice of not following it.

My advice is choose your Choices wisely and when in doubt, pray to Him and He will answer!

God Bless,


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