Sunday, 13 March 2011

The Ingredients by Suci Kennita

Hola all, God is so Wonderful to me...

Blessing me with wonderful people around me :).

God is Good! All The Time!

This is not a creation of mine but it is from my Wonderful Friend namely Suci Kennita.

She wrote a note on Facebook with the title - "The Ingredients".

This note is so wonderful and too good to be kept among her own inner circle :P

I have an urge to make it available for public to view.

anyway here you go ---:

The Ingredients
By Suci Kennita 
Every now and then i would get the impulse to cook something.

This often happen when I am at the nearby grocery store and I don't have anything planned for the night. I would look at the shelves and get all my favorite stuffs, while trying not to drool, put them in my basket, and when I am happy that i've all picked my fave ingredients, I would then decide what I want to cook with all of those ingredients in my basket. This is not easy - imagine picking a bag of spinach, brie cheese and some okra - what can you cook using all three?  I should've done it the other way around. I should firstly decide on what I want to cook, and then grab the ingredients I need to make the dish. 

I should've done it the way God did when He created every single one of us. 

He would firstly, decide on the specific purpose of our life (note: everyone's general purpose is to glorify God, but we each have our own specific ones). Once this has been determined, He would then ensure He provide us with the 'key ingredients' to equip us, so that through out our life, we have the means to fulfill the purpose He has set specifically for us. God doesn't watch you grew up and then one day had a eureka moment where He goes "aha! this kid's pretty good at public speaking. Maybe his purpose should be to preach to the masses". Nope - our God is a planner and He doesn't rely on 'accidents'. He's got it all figured out way before everything had begun.

So next time when you ponder on the question - what exactly is God's specific purpose in my life? - Simply take a look at your life. He's dropped hints here and there.

It's in the things you love doing. It's in the things that makes your heart race and inspire you the most. It's what people around you depend on you to be, it's what you do best compared to others.

Never be afraid that His plan for you will be totally different to what your plan is or that it would be something you dread doing! it might feel like that sometime, but be sure that whatever it is, it is closer to you than you think, and that God definitely wants you to love every second you spend discovering and then fulfilling it... 

... I sure am!

How wonderful is that? Crunch the ones I highlight in Bold and italics into your mind.

When you feel lost, remember this, you are not separated by God that you are a rubbish and He doesn't want you! That is not God. That is Evil! Quote me: That is EVIL!

God created us, He is so Perfect that we can't find any Flawless in Him! There are no rejects in this world! There are no Rubbish in us as Product made by God! We are not MADE IN CHINA OR KOREA OR MEXICO OR INDONESIA OR Anywhere else! WE ARE PRODUCT of GOD! 

Should you feel that you are a cast away from God's Hand, You are a FOOL! When you fall, it is a time to strengthened up!  Think of Donald Trump, You idolize him of his success, do you know he Fell and went bankrupt twice? Michael Jordan was dropped out from his High-school Basketball club!

Don't let Evil Toy around with your Heart and Mind. I will let you know this, Those that fall into Evils Hand, are so weak that they condemn them selves and let themselves be condemned by others!

God has a purpose in your life! You are a wonderful creation of God! God is there and He will take care of You. He will be there for you through your toughest time, Thou shall not fear and turn away from Him!

Matthew 6: 
(26) Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they?

(28) And why should you be anxious about clothes? Consider the lilies of the field and learn thoroughly how they grow; they neither toil nor spin.

(30) But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and green and tomorrow is tossed into the furnace, will He not much more surely clothe you, O you of little faith?

Keep your Faith on Him! Cos you are higher in hierarchy than Birds (Animals), Flowers and Grass.
as per Genesis 1:
(26) God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth.

If God takes care of Animals, Flowers, and Grass why should we question that He is not taking care of us?

Don't fall into the darkest pit of evil! why? because this is what Evil wants!

God Bless,

I'm a Growing Weed!

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