Friday, 7 June 2013

Book of Answers

I came across a book that is said to be an interesting sort of gift gesture but actually the book is just a funny kind of thing. It is like a modern version of the Magic 8 Ball and people will think it as possessing some supernatural and mystical power in it.

The book is Book of Answers.

So basically it is a "Just for Fun" gimmick but here is how they tell us to use it:

  1. we hold the book, we ask the question and think it in our mind 
  2. then we randomly open a page from the book 
  3. It will then provide us with some random answers or question back at us. 
Q: Should I go for a trip?
The Book of Answers might say: Go Ahead or Ask your Dad or Are you sure?

something like that. It is an interesting sort of thing but luckily I think that I'm so lucky that I don't need such book on my book-shelf.

as a Believer, the some number of pages book might just be compressed into 2-4 words:

Ask Jesus or Pray and Ask Jesus

As a believer myself, Jesus is the source of everything for me. It is only Him that can provide the best answer over all other sources. 

He is the Only WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE - John 14:6 

The bold and underline Way and Truth just represent that there are many ways when you want to find a "solution or something" but only Jesus will give you the direct way and the truth above all else. 
He is not a God who will fool you or joke around or play around with you. what He says is the Truth and only the Truth will solve your questions. 

My book of Answers will be Jesus and if I need Jesus in writing then it will be the Holy Bible!

God Bless,

I'm a Growing Weed and a Champion

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