Wednesday, 14 March 2012

What shall we seek?

What Shall We Seek?

Went to pray to the Lord; as usual My list went on and on, multiplying in every pause and ending.

Lord I want this a, b, c, d, final one E; oh yeah God can I add F, G, I forgot H I-Z...

It is alright to ask God anything, To request your desire to God. Nothing wrong in that.

then how are our attitude towards God and all we ask? do we prioritize God first above all things? or Do we keep thinking about those needs that are Unfulfilled?

One thing, Those Needs are like our Work, It Never Ends, it is like a dark Abyss that no eyes can see the Depth. Then We also DARE ourselves to stand opposing God and debate to God :

Why God?
I asked for A, why U give me B?
Why U never Fulfill what I requested?
Hello r U there and do U Hear my PrayerS?
Knock Knock!

This is so Us So Human!

Despite of all the things I ask, God just gave me a famous verse:
Matthew 6:33
(33) But seek ( aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness ( His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.

So basically God will give us even more than we ask for only if we come to seek Him first and in the right attitude. Picture beggars or worst of all those street kids who dare to come up to you and ask for changes; don't we get Pissed at them?

so let us have the right attitude by seeking Him first, Fulfilling His needs in our life first before we Dare to Demand! We are actually at no position to Demand anything from Him as we were Bought at a price we can't repay!

1 Corinthians 6:20:
(20) You were bought with a price [purchased with a preciousness and paid for, made His own]. So then, honor God and bring glory to Him in your body.

In old times, when we are paid, we are like Slaves, we have no power nor position to Demand! But by His Grace, we were paid not to be Slaves but to be His children!

So let us all together Seek Him first and those unimaginable things we ever imagined will be poured directly from Him! For it has been proven from the story of Joseph that amidst all things he had suffered (Being thrown into a well, sold by his brothers, Being Accused by Potiphar's wife, Jailed)  Yet God never abandoned him. Why? Because he keeps his Intimacy with God, he keeps praying to God and he was blessed with abundance by God! Not only he himself but even to the extent of his family and his generations.

Oh God you are so Majestic!

Praise The Lord.

Jesus Bless U all...

SS675 :)

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