Sunday, 30 March 2014

Kia Ora - Veils - ARISE Church

Kia Ora from New Zealand,
Today I went to ARISE CHURCH in Chilly morning Christchurch and met wonderful people, great atmosphere, deep praise and worship, strong presence of God, and humorous Pastor preaching about Radiant Moses and Veils!

ss675 at ARISE Church Christchurch 9am service

It started off with Torch Moses... How cool is that?
The head of Moses was so bright and emitting light. It was so Radiant with God's Glory after he came down from Mt. Sinai. People back then was so scared and they flee; where we probably will just point, shouted ALIEN and then RUN!!!

Did you know that Moses himself didn't know that his face was Radiant. The view we can take from Radiant Face is whereby Moses - Met and Interact with God (Moses = us & God= God) as we have that relationship with God, we will be Radiant as Moses were. I believe it is very much in line with us being the light in the middle of the darkness.

When we are radiant and becoming the light in the middle of the darkness, it serves as an INVITATION for us to act and "Light the path" for those who doesn't know about Jesus.
Imagine how the lights on an Airplane or Cinemas are turned off and Path directing lights are turned on. It would probably be nice for people to view us as that so called "Light", it doesn't hurt our eyes while it is very helpful for us not to stumble when it is dark. 

Read the scripture below:

The Radiant Face of Moses

29 When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord. 30 When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him. 31 But Moses called to them; so Aaron and all the leaders of the community came back to him, and he spoke to them. 32 Afterward all the Israelites came near him, and he gave them all the commands the Lord had given him on Mount Sinai.
33 When Moses finished speaking to them, he put a veil over his face. 34 But whenever he entered the Lord’s presence to speak with him, he removed the veil until he came out. And when he came out and told the Israelites what he had been commanded, 35 they saw that his face was radiant. Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with the Lord.
Then Moses would put on a Veil just like how a Bride does.
Veil was the message I received from Arise Church today.
What is it with the VEIL? Why does Moses cover up his face with the VEIL?
Why does he removed the VEIL when he meets God?
VEIL - A veil is an article of clothing or cloth hanging that is intended to cover some part of the head or face, or an object of some significance. It is especially associated with women and sacred objects. (Wikipedia:

So imagine the simplest form of Veil we do see normally - Bridal Veils.
  • Why do Brides wear veils?
There is so much to talk about Veils... Yet you all have to actually research on it and be astonished by it. Anyhow Veils are worn by brides to actually
Hide the Radiant Beauty of the Bride
The beauty is radiation of a special holiness; the Divine Presence (Shechinah), the feminine aspect of G‑d, shines through the face of the bride.

Coming back to Moses, why he needed the Veil is because after He met and interact with God, he received that Holiness of God's Radiation on his face and its glare is just beyond what people can believe on. Re-read the scripture above, Moses would only open his veil twice in every occasion:
1. When he meets God
2. When he Spoke to people about what God told him to.

Our God is a Genuine God, He is who He is!
God = God - Nothing else.
As GENUINE as He is, He loves us to be genuine as who we are.
God loves us to be ourselves without us wearing our veils.
Veils then as above depicts what we call as a barrier between God and us! Normal people like us wouldn't have that pleasure like Moses to meet God Face to Face and receive that radiant face just like that. There is a barrier namely a veil that was there and now we are just feeding such veil with all of our BUTs!
Veil that was there happened when our dearly Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.Since then, not only them, we have been since then living a Veil Covered life.

The good news is that, such veil has long gone being Torn up by God Himself in the form of Jesus dying on the cross.
Mark 15:38
38 Then the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.

After then, there were no more barriers, no more veils separating us from God.
However, we then put up our own veils.
Veils too much that probably Jesus would be like "What the Heck are they doing after I tore it up"
Veils such as (Just to name a few):
  • Unworthy Veils:
I have sinned - I'm unworthy for God
I have a lousy attitude - I'm unworthy of God
Hey dude, Who hasn't sinned in this world except for Jesus? That is why he died on the Cross. to repay all of your past present and future sins. (Do please read Galatia)
Lousy attitude? do you think that Jesus cared of our PMS moments? He built us so He knows your attitude and He might even put it in our mechanism to have a lousy attitude. and guess what, He still loves us very much.
  • Religion Veils:
Oh hello I'm the Holy one, I read the Bible like twice in a year and I actually know inside out of the Bible. I pray like 24 hours are not enough in a day! And... Oh Darnnnn... I forgot to do my morning prayers or I forgot to say grace and I had a bite already just because I was starving like ALOT! I'm unworthy of God now. God is Angry at me. I'm going to HELL!
In my country we have this saying - > LEBAY! --- Over-reacting
These are what "Man-Made' stuffs gonna do to you. When God really is just ok to know that you know Him and that is suffice. It wouldn't hurt that after knowing Him, we get to Love Him and then our love story goes.(write it yourself with God)

Don't let such Veils hinder you from God. That would broke the heart of God just because you are not getting the essence of God.
  • Fear Veils:
What would He want of me?
What would He do to me?
Jesus is not a Money Lender who would ask for a collateral, who would point at you and command you to wash His car or whipped your ass off. Jesus doesn't require anything of you.
We are peanuts compared to Him. He doesn't need our money, He provides us with money, He doesn't need food; He has it all and He invented it all for us.
here's the best part!
God wants us to be us! Full stop, Period!

So whatever the veils are for any each one of you, God is there to TEAR it Down. How? He died on the cross for that!
When God is with us, Freedom is with us.
I'll jump to Why Moses uncovered his veil when he was with God.
It is pretty unfair isn't it that when Moses was with God, God wouldn't allow him to see Him.
Yet God wants Moses to remove his veil before Him.
What did Moses do?
Moses let God be God and he be himself (us be ourselves)
Simply just letting God to see him as a whole.
God is always interested to see us as a whole. not our fake self not like how guys love to see people with make up on. He loves to see us just like how we are. Why so? it is because He is interested to transform our life.
Let's see how many people He transformed:
  • Moses
  • David
  • Simon
  • Peter
  • Paul

how? What does transformation and/or changes requires?
Access and Room. Willingness and part of our life.
No matter how great a doctor is if the patient doesn't tell what symptoms they're experiencing and let the doctor to check the patient up (Access and Room), he would just be a doctor and unable to cure the disease that patient is having.
Note this down that our God Jesus is a Gentleman. He doesn't barge into your life and reorganize your life as per His will. He doesn't force us. But He waits for us to say: "Here I am God, be in me God. Fix all that is wrong and Restore me in the completeness of You."
When you have given Access and Room to God, you allow God to transform your life. you allow for miracles to happen.
and the beauty of it is for you to be just you.
Take all of our layers and veils apart in front of Him and let GRACE be your only Veil.

It was a blessing for me to be able to attend ARISE Church. I had a great experience there and would love for people in New Zealand to attend this ARISE Church and transform New Zealand.
Would love to comeback and attend a service or something more than a service :)
Oh yeah they have plenty of activities coming up so please do look for them and if possible, join their events, I bet it will be Awesome! 

A Sneak peek on them (wasn't allowed but Why Not!)
Humorous Pastor - Kids Section (Awesome for parents) - Chocolate for New Comers! Fantastic!!!

Sandy Sunaidi
Jesus Loves Everyone especially you!

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